Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Throughout the semester we have been giving speeches in Humour and Satire. I started out very timid and still am, but I have slowly increased my loudness so people could hear me a bit better. I also have been using more hand guestures and had eye contact with the class while speaking. I use um and like a lot during the allotted time to talk and should continue working on that, even eliminating it from my everyday speech.

The aid of notecards has helped my pauses during my speech imensly but only if i fill out the notecard with adequate information that can be read quickly and used effectivly while speaking. I have slowed down my talk but still talk too fast while not noticing the corners of the room. I also worked more on the conclusion that instead of walking away saying that's it I have come up with quotes or statements as last impressions on what I have said.

I would be a much better speaker if I would learn to move around and be comfortable where I am with no second thought to what I would look like or come across as. There is always room to improve and you never stop learning till you take a dirt nap so I will continue to try and become a better public speaker.

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